World Freight Network Delivers Year on Year Growth

Both Ash and Marina, featuring in the videos below, testify that their WFN Membership and continual meeting attendance, assist the year on year growth of their companies.


Ashanthi Kruger, from Hunter Cargo Customs and Services, travels all the way from Australia every year to the WFN meeting. Her company is continuing to grow every year. A contributory factor is regular meeting attendance. “You need to be able to put in to get something out.” Ash is proof that WFN network membership can assist your company in growing. 




Marina at Vansail in China is the example of a proactive WFN member who makes the most of her membership. A dependable Chinese company, Marina makes the effort to attend every WFN meeting. As a result, business continues to grow since her last video interview a couple of years ago. As she says, a network is good for providing partners worldwide you can trust. When belonging to a network, making meeting fellow members a priority gets results. 




Join WFN and you too could experience year on year growth.






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