Barbara Highly Recommends Attending Annual WFN Meetings

Kelly, WFN Owner and Managing Director, states: "One of the most enjoyable times of the year, is our annual member meeting. I have now been running WFN meetings for 15 years, and they are not only a wonderful environment for business to flourish, but they allow me and all our members to reunite, and spend time together as a family. Utterly unmissable."




This year in Indonesia, Kelly talked to Barbara of Teamwork Freight in Ghana about the meetings. Barbara is a regular attendee and knows the importance of making the meetings a priority. Not only does this cement the trusted relationship she has built over the years with members, but she also has the chance to meet the newest members face to face.


Barbara says that loyalty is very much there with the World Freight Network members. Being a member also means she has become a multinational company, being supplied with partners worldwide who are experts in their field. Therefore Barbara is able to satisfy her customers' needs.


If you would like to be introduced to partners worldwide, and attend well-run and fruitful conferences, please consider joining WFN:






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