World Freight Network Meeting Room Buzz

World Freight Network (WFN) gathers its members every year for our annual meeting. Each time, WFN Managing Director Kelly takes the opportunity to capture on video the buzz of the meeting room, full of diligent members doing business together. 

Click on the image below to watch:


Our members recommend attending the events. One delegate told us after the Costa Rican meeting: “Plenty of fun and social time is had at our events, but of course the one-to-one meetings are important, too. I think it’s great that we can easily plan our appointments ahead of time, then meet so many members from so many countries, all in one room.”

Another stated: “The meeting is very well organised, and the meeting system makes it simple for us to choose the people we wish to meet, well ahead of time. I enter the meeting room full prepped and ready to go – like everyone else. Our members are very professional (and we do have a laugh, too!)” 

Want to join a proactive, professional network and attend our next meeting? Please complete the WFN Application Form.






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