WFN Zoom Connects Members

Zoom Socials have become a regular fixture at WFN, as a way for our members to connect more frequently throughout the year, in between WFN Meetings. WFN Operations Manager Debbie Constantine recently hosted our September Zoom Social.


Debbie told us more: "We met today and shared updates from around the world, with members from Cambodia, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden all in attendance.

We discussed the trade in Europe and parts of Asia that are experiencing lower volumes of traffic; the negative effects of inflation; the importance of visiting and strengthening the relationship with the customers’; promotion of your company within the WFN platform, the upcoming WFN meeting in Dubai, and much more. Many of the attendees have already confirmed they will be attending the next WFN Meeting in April 2024 in Dubai. It was a very enjoyable call."


You can see a photo of the members on the call below:




Debbie concluded, "Zoom is a great platform for us to connect throughout the year, in between our annual meetings. Putting a face to a name, when contact is usually via email, phone or text, really helps build familiarity and stronger relationships."

Are you interested in joining WFN and attending the next Zoom call, and joining us at the meeting in Dubai in 2024? Please complete the Application Form.







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