WFN Members Enjoy Consistent Business

Our members benefit from the ability to easily connect and share rate requests with our members around the world, so new rate requests are a day to day occurrence.

Here are some examples of the enquiries we have seen exchanged in the network recently:

> Used computers from Hungary to USA
> Electronic Equipment from China to Belgium
> Diplomatic Cargo from Kuwait to Hungary
> Liquid nitrogen containing bovine semen from France to Poland
> Musical equipment from UK to Egypt
> Coal & Metal from Australia to China
> Personal belongings from Canada to UAE
> Frozen fruits from Malaysia to UK
> Weights from Morocco to UK
> Personal belongings from Hungary to USA

Debbie Constantine, WFN Operations Manager, said: "Our members have all been vetted, so they know they can reply upon one another for a high level of professionalism. This enables each member to serve their customers to a high standard via their WFN partners, as well as forging strong connections and increased business as a direct result of their membership."

If interested in joining WFN, please complete the Application Form.






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