Technological Modern Day Approach to Networking

Once upon a time, prior to the wonderful yet addictive mobile phone, a meeting would be arranged over the telephone (an ancient land line), then there would be no contact until the journey is made. If something went wrong en route, nothing could be done, unless a payphone could be found. But you had to have some change for that luxury!


Nowadays, posts of every kind (photos of food and or drinks, seats on aeroplanes, the sharing of thoughts and excitement etc.) are documenting the journey. Interestingly this inclusive, shared approach, starts the networking well before the event is underway. With fellow partners ‘liking’ or ‘re-tweeting,’ more and more people are privy to the build-up of the event.


In World Freight Network’s case, WFN Head Office have been posting updates on their Facebook page, Tweeting on their Twitter account. 




The great thing is that the meeting delegates are also getting involved:




It’s going to be a great 12th WFN Meeting for all involved.






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