Members Shout Loudly & Proudly: "Yes Join WFN"

World Freight Network members are more than willing to participate when WFN Head Office ask for their assistance in conveying the message that WFN is a good quality network. This year in South Africa was no exception.  


WFN Members confirm with resounding "YEESSS's" (and laughter), that WFN Network Members can be trusted, exchange business and get paid.




The video ends with a bow. The bow is unique to WFN and present due to Kelly Bunyan's 30+ years association with the martial arts. Members are asked by Kelly, WFN's Managing Director, to bow to one another at the beginning and end of thier meetings together. The bow symbolises the respect that they have for one another.


Further, Kelly encourages her members to remember the bow virtually throughout the year. Respect should be prevalent all year round, even when miles apart.


After the completion of this video, Kelly adds:


"The enthusiasm for WFN is palpable. That's why we're all laughing, my members are responding with such gusto. It's because my members are enthused and willing to promote our network. Rightly, they are proud of our group. Taking the bow from martial arts is a lovely touch. I encouraged the members to bow to people watching to set the bar. To show that we are a trustworthy, respectful group of professionals, waiting to assist you in expanding your global reach."


If keen to be introduced to a group of professionals that you can trust to be paid by, JOIN WFN.






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